Monday, February 4, 2013


So I decided that since I was serious this time (I started a blog and everything!), I would seriously restart Insanity in all it's wonderfulness.  This is not the first time I've "restarted."  Since I first got the program in May, I've probably started at least 8 times.  Everytime I started something would happen that would pull me off track:  we moved, my ankle/heel injury, getting sick, the holidays, etc.
I decided this time I would not allow myself to get derailed.  If anything, I want my T-shirt!  So I restarted Insanity on Sunday (2/2).  Tim helped with my "before pictures" and the whole 9 yards.  I'll post all that jazz at a later time.

Needless to say, 3 days in and I can barely move!  Hard to believe that only a month ago I was close to finishing the program!  I hate to make excuses, but I think part of it is this cold, I still get coughing fits from time to time.  I'm just hoping that I can stick it out and keep up with it!

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