Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Aspartame What?

So last Wednesday I decided to kick my diet pop habit.  I was up to 8 or 9 cans of diet pop a day (ridiculous, I know) and was starting to feel as if maybe that was a limitation in my weight loss.  I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I decided it would be worth it.  So I quit, cold turkey.

A week into it, I think the worst is over.  Many may find this humorous, but I swear I went through withdrawl.  Wednesday night was fine, and even all day Thursday wasn't too bad.  Thursday night it hit me, out of nowhere.  Chills, hot flashes, nausea, dizziness, headache, tingly fingers....I had no idea what was going on!  It wasn't until a good friend of Tim's mentioned that the same thing happened to a girl he knew when she kicked her diet pop habit.

Turns out, aspartame is somewhat like a drug.  Your body gets used to it, and when you take it away it doesn't know what to do.  Luckily, I did some reading and found that lots of water and exercise help to clense your body of the residual aspartame.  After about three days of feeling like my head was in the clouds, I finally got back to feeling normal.  Now, I crave water with lemon instead of pop.  I've also found that I don't crave sweets anywhere near as much as I did before.  I'm hoping I can continue on this new path, because I'm starting to feel great!

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