Thursday, February 7, 2013

Every Day is an Accomplishment

I made it to the gym today, not until 8:00, but I still made it.  It's now 10 and I'm just sitting down to relax for the first time since 6 this morning! It was a long day, but that's ok.  It's days like this I normally fall apart.  I give in to the temptation of the snack machine when we have to stay after school for a meeting, or give in the ice cream aisle at the grocery store.  But none of that happened today, in fact as we speak I am forcing myself to eat just so I get to 1200 calories for the day. 

It wasn't my best day at the gym.  I made it 45 minutes on the treadmill before the girls next to me got too annoying and I decided to leave.  But I still made it.

On a good note, I did talk to one of my co-workers today about running.  She has lost a good amount of weight in the past year, and has become quite the runner.  She has been arranging these "wine runs" and invited me to the next one.  Basically they start at one winery, taste a little, then run to the next one.  Normally they are about 6 or 7 miles.  The next one is at the end of the month.  Right now, I'm running about 4 miles, so I've got a bit of work to do, but I'm excited.  Wine and running? It doesn't get much better than that!

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