Monday, February 25, 2013

Leg Day

Today was my second official "leg day" using the workout given to me by the trainer I worked with Saturday.  I must say, going into it, I was a bit worried.  I still was having trouble going up and down stairs because my legs were still sore, but I decided to go and see what I could do. 

I was pretty impressed with my warm up.  Even though it was only a mile and a half, it was the first 10 min. avg. I've run since I started on the treadmill.  Although my legs were a bit stiff, they loosened up after a few minutes.

Once I finished my run, I started my leg workout.  The workout I did today only involved 5 exercises, but kicked my butt.  I will say, I was pretty proud of pulling out equipment and actually knowing what to do with it!
After finishing the leg exercises, I did hop on the elliptical for about a half hour too, just to get in a bit of cardio.  I must say, I'm feeling pretty good!

There is one problem I have discovered with going to the gym.  Because they prefer us to wear clean shoes instead of street shoes (totally understandable), I have developed quite the shoe collection in my car!

At least I know I'm always ready for a good workout!

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