Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back in the Saddle

So the last week has been a bit exhausting.  All the school work, grad school work, exercising and things around the house caught up with me.  I barely had a chance to sit, let along blog!

But I'm back.  The good news is, even through all the busy evenings, I still found time to go to the gym.

I've been making up my own combination of running and lifting.  Alternating strength days and short runs with longer runs and minimal strength.  This week, I did gain a pound, however, I lost 3 inches!  I even went out with my bestie, Betsy, this past weekend.  First, we stuffed ourselves silly at Olive Garden.

After stuffing ourselves silly, we went shopping.  Betsy seemed to enjoy being my "fashion consultant" and had me in the dressing room for a good half hour (and I do not try on clothes).  In the end, I walked away with some pretty cute outfits, and two pairs of size 6 pants!  I haven't been a size 6 since right before my wedding!!  Now hopefully I work up the courage to wear my bright blue skinny jeans...haha!

Running-wise, I'm up to doing about an hour on my long run days.  I'm still only getting about 5 miles on those days.  I just get so bored!! I've started riding the bike to supplement the running and mix things up again.  Still, I can't wait to be able to run outside again!

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