Monday, February 4, 2013

Food Tracking

I've learned throughout my adventures that I am the type of person that needs to keep tabs on what I eat.  I swear my parents were gracious and handed down the "overeating" gene.  There are times I seriously don't know when to stop.  Tim makes fun of me all the time because I will get to the point where I am sick, but if it is something I like I'll keep going!

Me at my heaviest
When I first started trying to lose weight for my wedding back in 2007, I started with Sparkpeople.  I got pretty involved with SP, posting frequently and having quite a few people that I communicated with regularly.  I found the site easy to use, and stuffed to the gills with helpful information. 

I lost 50 pounds before the big day, and actually got so small they had to practically make me a new dress.  **Word of advice - Don't go out and by a wedding dress 10 months before the wedding, especially if you plan on losing weight!**  In the end, I actually paid more for the alterations to my dress than the dress itself.  But nonetheless, I credit Sparkpeople with helping me stay on track and get to the smallest I've ever been!

Smallest I've ever been

Shortly after Tim and I married, we found out we were pregnant.  Happy news, but terrifying at the same time.  I had just lost weight, had lived for eating right and exercising, and now I was faced with inevitable weight gain.  To make it even worse, complications in my third trimester led to three months of "light duty."  A beautiful daughter and 75 pounds later, I was back to where I started.
Two weeks after baby

This time, I turned to My Fitness Pal.  I found the tracking to be easier than on SP.  Although it does not have the amount of information that SP did, I've found that the users on MFP are wonderful.  They are on way more than those I communicated with while on SP.  They are incredibly encouraging, and are constantly helping to keep the motivation going.  The fact that I have access to it on my phone is a huge help, as I can "track on the go."

So now I'm about 20-25 pounds away from where I want to be.  My goal is lower than I was on my wedding day, but not so low that it would be unhealthy.  I'm hoping that by tracking my food and getting back to the exercise, I can finally (after 3 years) say Bye Bye Baby Weight!

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