Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Problem with Boredom

So I've gotten to the point where I really look forward to going to the gym everyday.  It's a good hour by myself, where I can focus on me.  I'm sure many other moms out there agree, that type of time is priceless.  The fact that I'm spending it bettering myself, makes it mean even more.  Still, I've run into a bit of a problem.  I'm to the point where I'm no longer doing just a half hour on the treadmill.  Today, for instance, I did a half hour on the treadmill and then a half hour on the bike.  I go in planning on doing a full hour on the treadmill but I get so bored!  I've tried watching TV or changing up my music, I've switched speeds from time to time and have tried to make a game of it, but nothing helps.  Right around that 30 minute mark I am to a point of boredom I can no longer stand, and I stop.  I'm looking forward to the spring so I can get back outside to run, but I have no other option until then.

Today went especially slow....took this pic while on the bike then waited a while (without looking at the time).  Took a pic what I thought was a few minutes later and got:
Anyone have any ideas of how I can help fend off the boredom?

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