Friday, February 8, 2013

Good Ol' Jellylegs

So for the past year I have, in my opinion, exercised fairly regularly.  There have been some points where I was less devoted than others, but overall I've stayed pretty active.  I was the most active in the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  At one point, I would do an Insanity workout, and then go run three miles.  I was a BEAST!

Right around Christmas I started to slack a little, drinking wine with the family is a much more attractive option!  By January, I had all but stopped exercising.  In the past two weeks, I've gotten back on the fitness train and have really worked hard to get back to where I was. 

However, this time is proving especially difficult.  On top of the cold that I just can't get rid of, and the cough that miraculously whenever I touch a tredmill, I have a serious case of jelly legs. 

I noticed today when I was starting my workout that I just felt like my whole body was jelly.  I made it through the workout, but it wasn't pretty.  I was struggling with things I haven't before.  I'm trying to decide if this is my body's way of saying that I need to slow down or if this cold is impacting me more than I thought.  All I know is that I'd really like it to stop!!

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