Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Eating Habits

So after yesterday's yucky weigh in (I didn't gain nor lose), I weighed myself again and found that I was down a half pound.  I really do think it is the amount of water I've been drinking that is making the difference.  And let me tell you, I've been peeing like crazy too!

I've also started making sure that I'm eating more than just three meals a day.  Instead of eating three big meals, I've starting eating 3 moderately sized meals along with two snacks, so that I'm eating every 2-3 hours.  I must say, I've fallen in love with Power Bars for this reason.  They've become my go-to for between meal snacking.  I stick with the mainly the Fruit and Nut or Mixed Nut kind simply because they are much lower in sugar than the other flavors avaiable.  They are high in protein, and provide enough energy for me to make it to lunch.  Plus, they are small enough to throw them in my bag.  Plus, the fact that Giant Eagle has them 10 for $10 makes them affordable too!

Do you have any go-to snacks?

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