Sunday, February 24, 2013

Skinnwraps, fact or crap?

cream How To Skinny Wrap

Skinnywraps started showing up on my Facebook feed a few months ago. At first, I paid no attention, but as time went on and I heard more and more I became intrigued. People were reporting losing several inches, all from a wrap? As luck would have it, one of my friends on Facebook recently started selling the wraps. I figured, why not? So I got in touch with her, and today I tried my first Skinnywrap. I figured I would share this experience with everyone just in case there were any other inquiring minds out there.

What is it?

The skinny wrap reminds me of a huge Biore nose strip. You know, the ones you put on your nose to pull out all the black heads? Imagine that, only large enough to fit across your mid-section. The difference is that the wrap is coated in a gel that supposedly helps the wrap to work its magic.
The Process
Before meeting with me, my friend asked that I prepare by making sure I was clean and wearing comfy clothes. Along with that, I needed to make sure I drank a few glasses of water before she got here. Once she arrived, all we had to do was take measurements, unwrap the wrap, place it around my mid-section and then wrapped me in plastic wrap to keep the gel from getting all over the place. The wrap stayed on for 45 minutes, although you can leave it on up to 8 hours (sleep in it). After taking off the wrap, she had me rub in the remaining gel and we took our after measurements.
In the 45 mintues I had the wrap on, I lost 2 inches. Sitting here now, 7 hours later, I just remeasured and I'm down another 2 for a total of 4. The information that comes with the wrap tells you that results are not instantenous, it can take up to 72 hours before the full results can be measured.
Before wrapping

After Wrapping
7 Hours Post-Wrap

Other Info:
One part of the wrapping process that I did not expect was the fact that you are expected to drink the equivalent of half your body weight in ounces of water in the days following your wrapping. For me, this means 70oz. of water for the next three days. Apparently the wrap gel includes ingredients that work to rid your cells of toxins, thus resulting in inches lost. Drinking water helps to rid your body of these toxins quicker. During this time you are also supposed to stay away from "toxic substances" such as alcohol and high amounts of caffeine.
My Thoughts:
Knowing what I know about fitness and nutrition, I am aware that the wrap is a "quick fix" and does not take the place of a good diet and exercise.  However, I did notice that there were more benefits than just the inces lost.  The wrap significantly improved the texture of my skin, and I noticed that my stretch marks were also lighter.  Talking with my friend about this, she said that she, too, has noticed an improvement in the texture of her skin.  That being said, the wraps are a tad bit expensive.  To try a wrap today it was $25.  A four pack of the wraps run about $100 for first time buyers.  According to my friend, the improvements seen increase with each wrap, and continued use is (obviously) recommended.  You can wrap as often as every 3 days, although they say once a week will help maintain results.  That can get pretty pricey!  They do have a "loyal customer" program that helps a bit.  After three months of paying full price, you become a loyal customer and get the same product but at about a 45% discount. 
You can have a wrapping party, where the consultant comes and wraps several friends at once.  For every five friends that pay to wrap, the host get their wrap for free.  Along with the wraps, there are also several other products that the company sells including facial wraps (to help get rid of wrinkles), creams and supplements. 
All in all, I will say I was happy with my results so far.  For something so easy, it was nice to see some improvement.  As I said, it is a bit pricey, but may be one of those things that can be used on a case by case basis.  Because it also improved the look and texture of my skin, it may be something I consider before going to the beach or any other instance where I'll be baring my middle.  Because you can wrap different body parts, I would be interested to see if the results are similar on my arms or thighs.

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