Saturday, February 23, 2013

Thank You Mr. Trainer!

Last night my parents had us over for dinner.  Dinner with them has become a weekly ritual, and we really look forward to the family time.  However, it is consistently the day that I eat terribly, drink too much, and fall WAY off track.  Last night was no different.  Mom made homemade pizzas, the best I've ever had.  Then my dad and I proceeded to hit the wine pretty hard while enjoying some of our favorite Girl Scout cookies.
I didn't make it to the gym yesterday, so I was bound and determined today.  My parents offered to watch M, since Tim wasn't home.  When I got to the gym, I was extra excited to see that it was practically empty.  I warmed up by running a quick mile, then grabbed my clipboard and headed over to the machines.

While I was on the machines I noticed that one of the trainers was in.  I didn't think anything of it until he came over and started talking to me.  We talked a bit about how things were going, as I've only been a member for about 3 weeks.  As we talked I mentioned how I was training for the half-marathon in August.  Since there was no one else to train, he said he had some tips for me.

He helped me learn some new moves, not using the machines, that were better for running and balance.  Wow, the difference was amazing!  I am already sore!  Turns out, the work out I was doing was doing very little for me.  Thankfully, due to a slow gym, I now have a different routine that I can try out.  I'll keep you posted!

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