Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Awkward is My Middle Name

I got the change to run today.  Much needed, especially after the stressful day I had at work.  Of course, after I got about 2 miles from my house it started raining, but I didn't mind.  The way I see it, once you're wet there is really no difference.  What I've found is that I do some of my best thinking when I'm running, especially running in crappy weather.  So I was even a little excited....what kind of awesomeness would I come up with?

The first thing I thought of was how incredibly socially awkward I am.  It's a trait I've always fought, but if that's who I am shouldn't I just embrace it?  I have a terrible sense of fashion and I am clueless when it comes to relating to people.  There have been several times in my career that I've self-diagnosed myself with some social-anxiety-ish disorder.  I want to stop fighting it, and see what happens if I let things happen the way they should.  Consider it my own personal social experiement.  My prediction?  I'm going to piss off a lot of people!

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