Sunday, January 27, 2013

List Progress 1/27/13

So as much as I hate to center everything around my lovely list, I figure I should at least give a periodic update of where I am.  Honestly, this is more so that I keep myself on track, and less for your enjoyment.  So as of this evening here is where I stand:

1.    Run a 10k....Looked up a list of upcoming races, unfortunately there aren't any 10k races until late spring/summer.  Guess that gives me time to train!

2.    Finish a half marathon...Registered.  Even signed up to be on my school's team (hoping that, and the $50 registration fee, will keep me from backing down)

3.    Travel further west than Toledo...Discussed posibilities with Tim, so far, nothing set in stone.

4.    Shoot a gun

5.    Visit New York City...Had an opportunity but had to pass, it would've been with a high school group and I really want more of an "adult" trip. 

6.    Start a blog/journal If you are reading this, I can assume that this item can be crossed off :)

7.    Go to an NFL football game....Not going to get started on the whole Super Bowl situation.  Let's just say I will have to wait until next season.

8.    Read at least 10 books off of Time’s Top 100 Books of All Time list...Finished The Great Gatsby last night, not sure what I'm going to read next.

9.    Take a class unrelated to teaching

10. Finish re-painting the house (Master Bedroom, Guest Bedroom, Downstairs Living Room, Basement Bath)...Tiled my shower....oh wait, that wasn't on the list...

11. Have the equivalent of one month’s salary in savings...Saved a whopping $50 from last paycheck (hey, it's a start)

12. Host/Cook a holiday meal for the family.

13. Take a weekend trip focused on M...Started planning, looking more like an entire week!

14. Go to a concert.

15. Have a girl’s weekend somewhere other than Erie.

16. Golf a full 18 holes, and keep score...Tim got new clubs, but that doesn't mean much.

17. Pay off at least 2 of my 3 credit cards. (and keep them that way!!)

18. Get another tattoo

19. Organize all my pictures and back them up.  Maybe even get some printed out....Started out planning on organizing, ended up just looking at pictures for two hours

20. Try at least 3 new foods (or re-try foods I haven’t tried in a while)...Almost tried Salt and Vinegar chips, then I smelled them, bleck!

21. Ride on a motorcycle

22. Change my hairstyle/hair color

23. Complete at least one random act of kindness/pay it forward type action

24. Make/build something...Does tiling a shower count?

25. Surprise someone...Gave a co-worker some treats, but I'm hoping to accomplish a little more than pawning off my leftovers on someone else.

26. Learn to play the guitar (at least some of the basics)...Seriously thinking about changing this one.  Recently I've gotten back into playing the piano from time to time, and really would rather just focus on one instrument.

27. Improve my Spanish

28. Learn to drive a stick shift

29. Have a spa day – more than just mani/pedi

30. Celebrate my 30th in style! (think Limo, sequins, bubbly!)
So, if you were wondering, that's where I am as of right now.  Nothing too drastic, but still its a start!

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