Monday, January 28, 2013

It's The First Day of School All Over Again!

I'm a sucker for self-improvement.  I'm all about "making my self better" and all that other garbage that they feed you to try and make you more ambitious when you are growing up.  That being said, I've again signed myself up for another semester of punishment: online graduate course style!

It's pretty sad when you are 29, and there still isn't a time you can remember when you weren't in school.  First, it was preschool.  Then, elementary school.  Then, on to Junior High and High School.  After that, I followed what everyone said I should do and went to college.  Two colleges to be exact.  When I graduated, I took a brief break but couldn't stay away.  It's been 24 years since I wasn't going to school.  I have lots of beautiful pieces of paper that show I've been going to school forever! 

True, these glorified pieces of paper say that I've accomplished something, but I'm always left wanting more.  First it was to finish my Bachelor's with a Dual Major plus a Minor.  Once that was done, I decided to set my sights on my Master's.  With the short hiatus in there to have a baby, I did that with little difficulty.  Now, through some moment of insanity, I've decided to set my sights on earning my Principal/Supervisor of Special Ed Certification.  What's even worse, I'm already researching PhD programs that I can start up once I'm done with my Certification.  I seriously think I have an addiction to learning.

So now here I sit, with a binder full of assignments, a Diet Dr. Pepper, and an overwhelming feeling of impending doom.  Here's to self-improvement, right?

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