Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wine Run

A fellow teacher has been on her own journey towards health for the past year or so.  She not only has lost weight, but has also improved across all areas of health.  Back in January, she got the idea to run to some of the area wineries as a mini-challenge.  I was unable to join her on the first two, but the opportunity to join her today.  She had a great turnout, a total of 13 fabulous ladies!
I will admit I was pretty nervous going into it today.  Before today, the furthest I had ever run was 6 miles, and that was on the treadmill.  Today's run would be 8.1 miles and was far from flat.  However, I was excited to have the opportunity to get to know some fellow runners that had similar interests and goals.  I must say, they made the activity most enjoyable!

The first mile and a half was by far the hardest.  It took a while to get in a good groove, and this stretch of the route included a pretty steady incline.  However I found that once I got through that part, the rest of it went much better!

My colleague that coordinated the run thought of anything.  About halfway, she found a good spot for us to stop for water and to go to the bath room if we needed to.

We couldn't have had better weather.  Normally, this time of year is cold and snowy, but today was a gem.  Sun shining and it was close to 70!  Later this week is supposed to get cold and snowy again, so it was great to get out and enjoy this wonderful day!
Finally reaching the winery was such a great sense of accomplishment, and I am so happy that I was able to share it with so many great people. 
 On top of the great run, we got to top it off with another one of my favorite things, wine!  I will admit, I didn't taste any once we got there because I wasn't really feeling it at the time.  However, I did make sure to get myself a bottle to celebrate with next time!

Today was, by far, one of the best times I've had in a while.  What made it even better was that everyone there was so supportive and awesome!  I can't wait until the next one!

I wanted to send a big thank you out to my friend who provide several of the pictures for the day and organized the run.  I can't wait until the next one!  Check out her blog, !

1 comment:

  1. What a grape bunch of ladies! I think we'll be trotting together for years. We're Huskies, after all and that's what Huskies do: Huskies Run!
