Saturday, March 9, 2013


It was so nice to wake up today and see that the snow was slowly melting away.
Hopefully this is the last thaw of the winter, and nicer weather is on its way.  It was beautiful today, sunny with clear skies.  It was a bit chilly, but I'd still take 42 over below freezing any day!  It would have been the perfect to go for an outside run; unfortunately Tim had to work so that was out of the picture.

Instead, I decided to get out of the house and take M to the children's museum.  Chasing her between the three floors was exercise enough!  She had a great time, and I really enjoyed a mommy-daughter day!

I made it to the gym later in the evening, after M had gone to bed and Tim was home from work.  I was all by myself the whole time, which I totally took advantage of!  I started out feeling great!
I warmed up with a quick mile, and for the first time since November was sub-10 minutes!  (9:58, but still!)  I didn't run any further than that because I'm going to be running about 8 miles tomorrow.

It was my arm night, and since there wasn't any one there, I started to try out some of the machines I normally don't use as well as ventured into the free weight section of the gym.
Now that I've had a chance to try out some of these things, I don't think I will be as uncomfortable the next time around. 
Tomorrow I am going on a "wine run" with some people from work.  We are starting at one winery and then running the 8 miles to another winery.  Once we get there, we'll be able to taste before getting a ride home.  This will be my longest distance so far, but I'm excited about it!  Definitely look for that post when I get home tomorrow evening!

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