Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stupid Sugar

Today was not a good day in the healthy-sense.  It was a little stressful, and as we've learned in the past, when I am stressed I eat.  Today, it was the Swedish Fish that got me.  Those sweet little buggers normally don't call my name, but they were in the right place at the right time.

Even though I may have caved and had a few handfuls of Swedish Fish followed by several Tootsie Rolls, I still tracked my food.  As of 4:30, things were looking pretty grim.

Although today wasn't the best of days health-wise, it did help me realize an important fact.  I am consistently over on sugar.  Tracking my food the way I do, I can see that over eating sweets is a definite trend of mine.  Even when I don't reach for the chocolate or candy, I'm still over due to the other foods I am choosing.  I decided that cutting my sugar intake is definitely something I need to make a priority.

I found this article from Reader's Digest that offers some great tips to get started.  Lower Your Sugar Intake  I'm hoping it will get me going in the right direction. 

So starting tomorrow, I'm going to really start watching what I eat, especially related to sugar content.  I need to see if I can get my sugar down and maybe lose these last few pounds that are hanging on for dear life!

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