Monday, March 4, 2013

Dreaded Weigh-In Monday!

So Monday morning has become my least favorite morning of the week.  Not only is the weekend over, but for some unknown reason I decided it would by my weigh in day.  I think my original idea was that it would keep me honest over the weekend, knowing that it would impact the scale on Monday morning.  Instead, I enjoy myself on the weekend, and kick myself for it Monday morning. 

The past two Mondays have not gone well for me.  First, I gained and then maintained.  For two weeks I was stuck at 149.2.   I've been working my butt off at the gym, so it was very hard for me to be okay with no change.

Yesterday my mom had turkey dinner, which is normally a huge downfall for me.  This time, I tried extremely hard to not overeat, only to succumb to the apple pie.  Needless to say, I was not looking forward to this morning.

So the moment of truth came, and I lost!  Down 2.1 pounds to be exact.  Plus, I was down another inch.  It was so nice to finally see some movement.  So now I'm feeling great and ready for another awesome week!

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