Sunday, March 17, 2013

List Progress 3/17

So looking back, I realized the last time I looked at my 30 Before 30 list was at the end of January.  It's crazy how much can change in such a short period of time.  Since I had nothing else exciting to post about tonight, I figured I'd give everyone a little update of how things have been progressing.

1. Run a 10k....I ran 8 miles to a winery, although it wasn't a timed 10k, it was my farthest distance so far.  My latest race was a 5k for St. Patrick's Day (see yesterday's post for details on that!).  I'm still looking for a 10k to run in sometime soon, although for now I am content with the wine runs!

2. Finish a half marathon...Registered and signed up to be on my school's team.  I found a training plan and started it last week.  It is a 19 week program, so I should have just enough time to get ready.  So far, I'm pretty excited about it.  The distance is becoming less and less daunting as I gain confidence in my running.
Biggest Loser RunWalk Race Series Logo

3. Travel further west than Toledo...We had plans, but had to ditch them because of other issues that popped up.  For now we aren't focusing on this too much, maybe once summer hits.

4. Shoot a gun...This will be happening soon thanks to the hubs!  It's funny how he has gotten just as into this list as I have.

5. Visit New York City...Looking for opportunities to go.  Tim is really not a city person, and has indicated that NYC is the last place he would want to go.  So now, I'm exploring other options. 

6. Start a blog/journal Yay!  Should be hitting 500 views with this post!

7. Go to an NFL football game....Obviously will have to wait until the fall, although I have made my desire known to just about everyone that will listen.

8. Read at least 10 books off of Time’s Top 100 Books of All Time list...So far I've read The Great Gatsby and Slaughterhouse Five.  For now, I'm taking a short break to read the next book in one of the series I follow.  I'm almost done with it, and then will resume my Time's list books.  Any suggestions?

9. Take a class unrelated to teaching...Saving this for summer when I have more time.

10. Finish re-painting the house (Master Bedroom, Guest Bedroom, Downstairs Living Room, Basement Bath)...I talked about it, even picked out colors, Tim vetoed all my colors, back to square 1.

11. Have the equivalent of one month’s salary in savings...Halfway there!

12. Host/Cook a holiday meal for the family...I was told I could have Father's Day, Mother's Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, and the Cornhole Fiesta.  First on the list, Cornhole Fiesta!

13. Take a weekend trip focused on M...Started planning, will probably next February which is after I turn 30 but all the planning will be done before I have my birthday so it still counts.

14. Go to a concert...Several options have been investigated, now just waiting to see which plans pan out.

15. Have a girl’s weekend somewhere other than Erie...Between all of our crazy schedules, this is looking increasingly unlikely but I will keep trying.

16. Golf a full 18 holes, and keep score...I washed my clubs, and then talked about getting new shoes because I don't like how ugly mine step closer!

17. Pay off at least 2 of my 3 credit cards. (and keep them that way!!)...Got everything consolodated so now I have 3 credit cards with a zero balance and one payment that is about half of what I was paying before.  If my calculations are correct I will have everything paid off by July 2014.

18. Get another tattoo...So far I haven't been able to pin down exactly what I want and where I want it. 

19. Organize all my pictures and back them up. Maybe even get some printed out....Umm, can't stop looking at the pictures, maybe deleted 5 that I thought I looked awful in.

20. Try at least 3 10 new foods (or re-try foods I haven’t tried in a while)...I've been experimenting with some new recipes, does that count?  Still 3/10.

21. Ride on a motorcycle

22. Change my hairstyle/hair color...Tried to make an appointment, had to cancel because I accidentally made it on the same day as another engagement.

23. Complete at least one random act of kindness/pay it forward type action

24. Make/build something...Does tiling a shower count?

25. Surprise someone...Have now given two co-workers treats.  Apparently I'm like the treat fairy or something.  Also have been trying to leave little surprises around the house for Tim and M.

26. Reconnect with the piano...For a while I was playing pretty regularly, unfortunately grad classes decided that wasn't allowed any more.

27. Improve my Spanish...I thought about it, that's about as far as I've gotten

28. Learn to drive a stick shift

29. Have a spa day – more than just mani/pedi

30. Celebrate my 30th in style! (think Limo, sequins, bubbly!)
So I'm still 1/30, but I've definitely made progress in some areas.  If there is one thing I've learned so far, it would be that just focusing on my goals helps so much in everything I do.  I'm so much more motivated in all aspects of life, not just those listed on "The List".

1 comment:

  1. If you are willing - we can help you try new food when you are down here to visit! If you want, I can send you a list of things and see what you are up for trying and we can make plans :)
