Friday, March 22, 2013

Wait, why was I doing this again?

When I first started this journey, my focus was on losing weight.  Especially after gaining so much when I was pregnant with M, it was the only motivation I had.  It got me started, but it is funny how things change. 

Now that I'm well on my journey, I'm shocked at how my focus has changed.  Sure, I'm all about losing a few pounds, who isn't?  However, now I'm content with healthy.  As Tim puts it, I wasn't made to be a size 2.  My wonderful sister took all of the skinny genes in our family.

Still, even though I may never be as small as I like, I'm doing thing I've never imagined I'd be able to do.  Getting in shape has been one of the most rewarding things I've done.  I have energy, I can run a mile without passing out at the end, and I'm teaching my daughter healthy habits.
So as I continue on my journey towards a healthy lifestyle, I need to keep evaluating my purpose and my motivation.  Although a smaller pair of pants will always be a nice perk, I no longer thing they are the main motivation behind my efforts.

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