Wednesday, March 6, 2013


After yesterday's disaster at the gym, I wasn't looking forward to today.  I felt better, and determined that yesterday's sickness was the result of entirely too much sugar (jelly beans, peanut butter cookies, I definitely indulged). 

I got to the gym today and was pretty bummed it was pretty busy.  I don't like working out around people.  Part of the reason I like going so late or early is because its normally just one or two people.  Today there were a lot of people, so I was apprehensive.  But, I stayed positive and set my timer on my treadmill.

I was a little frustrated by the fact that three of the TVs were playing the same thing, and without closed captioning!  I knew if I wanted to keep on the treadmill for the full hour, I needed something to preoccupy myself.  Boredom gets the best of me so keeping occupied was key.

Luckily, the shows quickly changed and the closed captioning was turned on.  Next thing I knew I was cruising.  Before I knew it I was in my cool down.  Today is seriously the best I've felt in a long time.  I am really starting to feel some improvement, especially in regards to my endurance.  I could've kept going after my hour today, except the fact that the treadmill won't let you do more than an hour at a time. 
The good news is I made it, and I ran further in one period of time than I ever had in the past.  So close to 6 miles!  My next long run will be Sunday, and I'm hoping to reach that 6 mile mark!

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