Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pumped Up Kicks

After yesterday's awesome workout, I was a bit worried about how I would feel today.  True, I work out just about every day, but I definitely pushed myself a lot more working out with a group of people (definitely one of the perks!).  Waking up this morning, I was definitely sore.  My abs and booty especially.  It was a welcome sign that I worked hard, and one of those nice sore muscle mornings that help remind you that you are bettering yourself.

After using my foam roller a bit and taking an Aleve, I felt much better and decided to brave the gym.  Tim thought I should take a day off, but I don't do well with days off.  So I went, knowing I wasn't going to work out super hard, I just needed to get moving a bit.  Plus, I had a new pair of sneakers that I just HAD to try out!

Getting to the gym, I definitely could tell my body was tired. I got a good 20 minutes on the elliptical in and then decided 20 minutes of yoga was probably the best thing for me.  The yoga really helped to stretch out some of those sore muscles, and I felt pretty good after.

One of the best things about my workout were the new shoes.  With all the foot problems I've had, it was nice to finally find a shoe that worked out for me!  Hopefully it continues that way and I can start focusing on my workouts, not on my foot pain!

1 comment:

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