Saturday, April 6, 2013

Adventure #4: A Simple Saturday Morning Bleacher Run

So far on this journey, I've had some pretty awesome adventures.  Starting with getting my gym membership (a huge accomplishment for me), and going into the Wine Run and the St. Patty's Day 5k, I've started to look forward to challenging myself in new and exciting ways.  So, when a friend of mine suggested that I try a workout with Team Adrenaline (a group she has been working with for a while that focuses on outdoor, organic fitness), I figured why not.  It was after my rough leg workout that I got worried.  After Wednesday's workout, I could barely walk let alone work out with a new group of people.   I tried to back out, she didn't buy it.  

So here I was this morning, 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday, crawling out of bed and putting on my workout clothes.  Now anyone who knows me knows that I greatly value my sleep.  It is one of my most favorite activities and I don't give it up for just any reason.  As I stared out the window at the sun coming up, I started to think I had gone crazy.

Reluctantly I rolled out of bed and got dressed, only to find I was out of Stevia, so I couldn't have my morning cup of chai.  Looking out the window, the frost on the ground was also not a welcome sight!  

Still, I climbed in the car and was on my way.  Along the way to the highschool a fox ran across the road in front of me.  I thought it odd, and so I looked it up later.  Apparently, a fox crossing your path is a sign of good luck, things were looking up!

Luckily, I got to the highschool at the same time as my friend; which is fortunate since I don't do well in new situations with new people.  Once I was introduced to everyone, I felt right at home.  These people were great!  Everyone was very welcoming.  I was told that the whole point of the workouts was to do what you can, not necessarily keep up and do what everyone else was doing.  I started to feel like this was going to be a good morning.  

After a quick warmup we got down to business.  The workout started with intervals of push ups and mountain climbers and then moved into some lower body work.  The workout's theme was "T&A" and it was definitely fitting the bill!  It was then that we moved up to the bleachers.  
Not my 'A'

Staring up at the bleachers, I will admit I was intimidated.  Good ol' jellylegs started creeping back.  Not because of overuse, but because I really didn't know if I could do it.  I will admit, it was tough.  There were several times running up and down those steps today I thought I couldn't keep going, but I did.  The atmosphere surrounding that workout was so positive, I had to keep going.  The sense of accomplishment at the end definitely was worth it!
After what seemed like 100 times up and down the bleachers (it wasn't that many but sure felt like it!)  there was just enough time for some triceps work and wall sits.  It was amazing to me how even though we were all tired and hurting, we were all smiling.

Needless to say, I'll definitely be going back to Team Adrenaline.  As part of Challenge Erie, it definitely makes me look forward to the summer!

Thanks to my friend for providing the documentation so that people can't say I made it up!

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