Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mister Blister

If you recall, I had quite the unpleasant souvenir from our run down the Bayfront.

This wasn't just any ol' blister, this thing was massive and quite painful.  A mixture of short socks and new shoes proved to be quite detrimental to my efforts.  Shoes with any type of back were out of the question.  I needed to find a solution or it was couchville for me.

 I tried normal Band-Aids, they lasted maybe an hour at most.  My sweaty feet needed something with a little more oomph.  So I upgraded, Sports Band-Aids.  They lasted maybe an hour and fifteen minutes, and left a big ugly sticky spot around the edge.  It was time to turn to the big guns.

That's when I found these wonderful things.  I was skeptical at first, but after going for a run and having no problems at all, I'm sold!  True, they were a bit expensive, but after a week, my blistered feet are feeling so much better and I haven't had to skip a run.  Because I'm prone to blisters, these will definitely become a mainstay in my gym bag!

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