Friday, April 26, 2013


I've never been one for groups.  Throughout my "younger years" and well into my adult years I've never been the socialite.  I have a handful of close friends, but don't stray much outside of that.  It isn't because I don't like people, I just have more of a "loner" type personality.  Making it even more prevalent, is the fact that Tim is the same way.
Panama Rocks - 2005
That being said, I have become aware of the power of people this week.  Before now, I've always kept my workouts to myself.  I'm not a very "pretty" person when it comes to working out and I figure the blotchy face, frizzy hair, and sweat should be kept to myself.  Even branching out to a gym was a huge step for me.  Well that world got turned upside down this week when I attended Team Adrenaline workouts.

I will admit, I'm not one for new experiences.  It's something I've been trying to work on, but is still something that makes me feel uncomfortable.  Having already tried a workout before (I'll never look at bleachers the same way again), I had a feeling of what to expect but still walked into this week a bit nervous.

Next thing I know, I've got someone behind me telling me to keep going and that I can do it.  I don't know who it was, and doubt they even knew my name.  But in that moment, I realized the power of having a great group of people around you.  It's contagious, that type of feeling, as soon I felt the need to motivate others as well.  I can honestly say that after experiencing that, I'm not sure working out alone is the better option.

The power of people was again apparent this week as my blog approached 1000 views.  For me, this was a small milestone.  When I first started this, it was more to get my experiences out there.  I highly doubted people would actually read it.  Reaching that many people was shocking to me.  When I realized I was within 13, I reached out to those I was aquainted with and asked for support.  The response I got was overwhelming.  Within 10 hours, I got well over 100 views, skyrocketing my count to 1110 views!  I want to thank those that helped me out.  True, there is no prize for getting people to read your stuff, but the feeling that so many people to time out of their busy lives to help me out is amazing.

This week helped me realize that there are wonderful people all around me.  People who do not judge, who accept me for who I am, and who want me to succeed.  It makes me want to do the same for others.  Knowing that I have such wonderful people around, makes me even more excited for what is to come.

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