Sunday, April 14, 2013

Adventure #5: A Sunday "Stroll"

Have no fear my friends, I have not fallen off the planet.  I know its been a while since my last post, but it has been one crazy week!  On top of adjusting to a new student teacher, I also had PSSAs to proctor.  Normally, proctoring a test doesn't sound stressful, but my life is not "normal" therefore making this week one of the most stressful I have had in a while.  Needless to say, my students don't take well to testing, and so I spend a lot of my time being the cheerleader and reminding them that they can do it.  It stresses me out to see them so down and frustrated, and knowing that there isn't anything I can do to make it better except offer words of encouragement.  

After this week of stress, it was nice to get out and enjoy a Sunday run with one of my favorite groups of people!  This weeks run decided to explore what the city had to offer.  Previous to this, I've only run through the "country" roads, so I was excited for a change of scenery.

Starting up at the college, we followed the path down through the city and to the bay front.  Instead of dogs and grapes, we were encountered with a whole new world of scenery.  This time, we encountered lots of trucks, traffic lights, random guys with pink underwear, and a lot of dead fish.  The path was nice, and was mostly downhill.  Several intersections provided "mini-breaks" while we waited for the light to change.

Once we got down to the Bayfront, we decided to take a short detour down to the dock.  There we encountered the biggest bubbles I've ever seen!  It was quite interesting to watch this man use simple materials to make some pretty awesome bubbles.  I could've stayed at watched for quite a while, but we continued one.

At this point we had two choices, run back up to the main road, or take the skybridge.  We decided the skybridge seemed like the more appealing idea, and we were on our way.

Through the main doors of the Sheraton.

Up the stairs (we were focusing on fitness, seemed like the best choice).  

Until we realized that the door was locked at the top.  So a few of us went back down the stairs and took the elevator back up.

To let everyone else through the locked door.

Then it was through the skybridge, down the stairs and back out to the main road.  It made for yet another interesting detour.

From there it was just a short run to where the car was parked.  Running along the bay is normally quite pleasant, but because of the large fish kill this year it was a little stinky.

In all we ran about 8 miles, and I was surprised that after my week of non-exercise I did as well as I did.  I will say that I would not have done as well if it weren't for the great company that helped keep me motivated.

As I got home, I will admit that soreness was beginning to set in.  Plus, the new shoes were showing me no love.

As I soaked in my tub, I recognized just how fortunate I am to have such wonderful people around me.  I want to thank all of them for the great time today, it helped to make a kind-of yucky week so much better!

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