Monday, April 29, 2013

Adventure #6: Running in the Rain

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."  This past week has truly tested my dancing limits, as I have encountered more and stronger storms.  Between issues with coworkers, trying to balance grad school on top of work and home, some unpleaseant medical news, getting ready for several big events in May, end of year hecticness at school, and trying to still be an attentive wife and mother, this week left me exhausted.  By the end of the week, I had to make time to sit back and recognize that a lot of things I could not change, and I needed to make the best of things.

Throughout the week, my Wine-Running friends had started chattering about the next winery up on the sign.  According to the sign, it was 10 miles, but I knew that avoiding major roads it would end up being longer.  My last wine run had claimed the prize of being my longest run at 8.8 miles.  Could I do 10 miles?  I figured the only way I would find out would be to try.  I knew that with such a great group of people surrounding me I was in the best possible scenario: either they would cheer me through it, or support me if I couldn't make it.  Plus, after the long week I had, I needed a good run.

Going into the run, we all knew the forcast wasn't fantastic, rain was headed our way.  I figured, it's time to "dance in the rain."  Sure enough, within the first few miles of our run, droplets started falling.  However, instead of focusing on the rain, I was focusing on the thrill of running and the awesome company.

What made this run even more fun was that at different points along the way we picked up people, some people left, and overall the run had a very relaxed feel.  I didn't feel any pressure to be first or run with the pack leaders.  I was free to run at a pace that was comfortable for me, and with every step a little more of my stress washed away (with the sweat that the rain also helped rinse away!).

Around mile 8 I started truly questioning what I was doing out there.  My feet were tired, my knees were aching a bit, and I had a killer cramp in my left shoulder.  Seriously, who gets a shoulder cramp from running?  This girl.  Still, I knew that one way or another, I had to keep going.  Luckily, it was just about that time that some great support came in a fellow wine-runner.  Conversation is a great "I wanna quit" killer.

As we turned the corner to head to the winery, "the home stretch," I tried to speed up, but found that I was pretty tapped out.  It seemed like I was chasing that building forever, but finally I was there. 

As I ran into the parking lot, the only thing on my mind was the fact that I had done something I never imagined I could do.  I no longer cared about the drama at work, the things that needed done, or any of the other worries that filled my head earlier in the day.  The run had helped to clear my head.  During the run I danced in the rain, and what's better is I didn't have to do it alone.

Friday, April 26, 2013


I've never been one for groups.  Throughout my "younger years" and well into my adult years I've never been the socialite.  I have a handful of close friends, but don't stray much outside of that.  It isn't because I don't like people, I just have more of a "loner" type personality.  Making it even more prevalent, is the fact that Tim is the same way.
Panama Rocks - 2005
That being said, I have become aware of the power of people this week.  Before now, I've always kept my workouts to myself.  I'm not a very "pretty" person when it comes to working out and I figure the blotchy face, frizzy hair, and sweat should be kept to myself.  Even branching out to a gym was a huge step for me.  Well that world got turned upside down this week when I attended Team Adrenaline workouts.

I will admit, I'm not one for new experiences.  It's something I've been trying to work on, but is still something that makes me feel uncomfortable.  Having already tried a workout before (I'll never look at bleachers the same way again), I had a feeling of what to expect but still walked into this week a bit nervous.

Next thing I know, I've got someone behind me telling me to keep going and that I can do it.  I don't know who it was, and doubt they even knew my name.  But in that moment, I realized the power of having a great group of people around you.  It's contagious, that type of feeling, as soon I felt the need to motivate others as well.  I can honestly say that after experiencing that, I'm not sure working out alone is the better option.

The power of people was again apparent this week as my blog approached 1000 views.  For me, this was a small milestone.  When I first started this, it was more to get my experiences out there.  I highly doubted people would actually read it.  Reaching that many people was shocking to me.  When I realized I was within 13, I reached out to those I was aquainted with and asked for support.  The response I got was overwhelming.  Within 10 hours, I got well over 100 views, skyrocketing my count to 1110 views!  I want to thank those that helped me out.  True, there is no prize for getting people to read your stuff, but the feeling that so many people to time out of their busy lives to help me out is amazing.

This week helped me realize that there are wonderful people all around me.  People who do not judge, who accept me for who I am, and who want me to succeed.  It makes me want to do the same for others.  Knowing that I have such wonderful people around, makes me even more excited for what is to come.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mister Blister

If you recall, I had quite the unpleasant souvenir from our run down the Bayfront.

This wasn't just any ol' blister, this thing was massive and quite painful.  A mixture of short socks and new shoes proved to be quite detrimental to my efforts.  Shoes with any type of back were out of the question.  I needed to find a solution or it was couchville for me.

 I tried normal Band-Aids, they lasted maybe an hour at most.  My sweaty feet needed something with a little more oomph.  So I upgraded, Sports Band-Aids.  They lasted maybe an hour and fifteen minutes, and left a big ugly sticky spot around the edge.  It was time to turn to the big guns.

That's when I found these wonderful things.  I was skeptical at first, but after going for a run and having no problems at all, I'm sold!  True, they were a bit expensive, but after a week, my blistered feet are feeling so much better and I haven't had to skip a run.  Because I'm prone to blisters, these will definitely become a mainstay in my gym bag!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Rut

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a fan of structure.  I don't deviate much from my normal schedule, and "pencil in" just about everything.  It's sick, to a point, but it helps me stay calm which is always important!  Unfortunately, when you are so "set in your ways" like me, you tend to find yourself in a rut from time to time.  That was me this week, I was in the dreaded rut and I wasn't quite sure what to do about it.

Doing my own analysis of my situation, I should have seen it coming.  Two weeks of testing ALL day, dreary weather, lack of groceries,  a huge pile of laundry.  All signs were pointing to lack of enthusiasm and motivation. I was also caught up in all the developments in Boston, and just couldn't shake the sense of shock at what was unfolding.  It wasn't looking good for me or my healthy lifestyle.  Unfortunately, when the dreaded Rut appears, the first thing I do is turn to a bottle of wine (red preferably in this situation) and fast food.  Tim noticed I was heading down this dreary path early in the week, about the second time I suggested pizza for dinner.  Luckily he is a wonderful husband, and made me bruschetta instead (one of my other favorite Rut foods).
I knew by Wednesday that something had to change.  Physically, I felt awful.  I was eating like poo, and exercise wasn't high on my to-do list.  Luckily, a good friend of mine decided she wanted to get into running and I had previously agreed to help her out.  Our first run together was Wednesday evening, 2 miles around the neighborhood, just enough to help that feeling of normalcy start coming back.

After our run, I still had some energy so I went to the gym.  Another 3 miles and a good strength circuit and I was starting to feel like myself again.  Then Thursday hit.  The last day of testing SHOULD have been a welcome relief, but instead it was, in my opinion, the longest and hardest section yet.  Even more frustrating, my students were tapped out, by this point I could guarantee that what they put on that paper was FAR from their best work.  I don't blame them I wasn't doing my best work either.  Luckily, we had Friday off and Thursday's weather was gorgeous.  My glass of wine Thursday was more in celebration than frustration.

Friday came, and the weather changed dramatically.  We went from sunny and 80 on Thursday, to dreary and low-50s on Friday.  When I woke up this morning (Saturday), it was snowing.  Seemed like Mother Nature was in her own kind of funk, and I wasn't enjoying it!
 After wallowing in self-pity fora few minutes, I decided it was time to take action.  By 8am, I had both M and Tim up and dressed and we were going shopping.  I needed a few things for the house, plus a new outfit never hurts.  By the time we left the mall, I had spent all my "me money" from this last check and was feeling better.

When I got home, I knew I needed to work out.  We had Subway for lunch which normally isn't too bad, but I ate WAY more than I needed to.  By this point it had warmed up to a balmy 39 outside and the sun was out.  Deciding I needed some Vitamin D, I went running.  But this was not just any run, I decided that I still wanted to go to the gym.  Instead of driving there, I ran.  

In all it was about 2.5 miles both ways.  The way there went AWESOME, as it's all down hill.  The way home was a bit more tiresome as it was uphill, and I did do a bit of leg work at the gym.  However, that awesome "high" you get after a great workout was just what I needed to hopefully break my Rut.  Even several hours later, I'm still feeling great and looking forward to a long run tomorrow.  Here's to hoping that my Rut goes away!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Running for Boston

Like most people, I was horrified to hear about the bombings at the Boston Marathon on Monday.  As a runner, it hit even closer to home.  As I've gotten more involved with running, the one thing that has always kept me going is the sense of camaraderie you have with other runners.  Whether you are running one mile, or 26.2 miles, we are all out there for the same reason.  To see an event that is seen as such as accomplishment attacked in such a way impacted me deeply.

The one thing that stood out to me was how instead of running away, people ran into the unknown to help those in need.  It was if that sense of camaraderie carried over, and amid such a terrible tragedy people were going out of there way to help others.  I'm sure by now you've seen or heard about runners heading to the nearest hospital to donate blood, strangers carrying people to safety, and the extreme outpouring of thoughts and prayers.  During such a sad event, it gave me hope. 

So often we hear about the bad that is around us.  Shootings, bombings, fraud, we are surrounded with negativity.  Yet, things around us are not as bad as they may seem.  There is good in this world, as evidenced by Monday's tragedy.  It is so easy to dwell on the terrible nature of the events surrounding the Boston Marathon and other tragedies like it.  Although I admit, it hurts my heart to hear of such evil, I am warmed again by the good that it brings out in people. 

Today, a good friend decided to start her journey in running.  For the first time, she hit the pavement with me there to support her.  We didn't go far, but we were there for each other.  I couldn't help but think that today we were doing so much more than running for ourselves.  We ran today to keep the spirit alive, we ran for Boston. 

As I was thinking this I happened to look down and notice that my attire was quite appropriate for the occassion.  Given to me by a friend, I was happy to represent the 26.2.  In honor of those impacted by Monday's tragedy, I'm planning on running my own 26.2.  It may take me a few days, but I'll do it with thoughts of those who were injured or killed in the bombing.  I ask that if you are able, join me, and help keep that spirit of camaraderie alive.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Adventure #5: A Sunday "Stroll"

Have no fear my friends, I have not fallen off the planet.  I know its been a while since my last post, but it has been one crazy week!  On top of adjusting to a new student teacher, I also had PSSAs to proctor.  Normally, proctoring a test doesn't sound stressful, but my life is not "normal" therefore making this week one of the most stressful I have had in a while.  Needless to say, my students don't take well to testing, and so I spend a lot of my time being the cheerleader and reminding them that they can do it.  It stresses me out to see them so down and frustrated, and knowing that there isn't anything I can do to make it better except offer words of encouragement.  

After this week of stress, it was nice to get out and enjoy a Sunday run with one of my favorite groups of people!  This weeks run decided to explore what the city had to offer.  Previous to this, I've only run through the "country" roads, so I was excited for a change of scenery.

Starting up at the college, we followed the path down through the city and to the bay front.  Instead of dogs and grapes, we were encountered with a whole new world of scenery.  This time, we encountered lots of trucks, traffic lights, random guys with pink underwear, and a lot of dead fish.  The path was nice, and was mostly downhill.  Several intersections provided "mini-breaks" while we waited for the light to change.

Once we got down to the Bayfront, we decided to take a short detour down to the dock.  There we encountered the biggest bubbles I've ever seen!  It was quite interesting to watch this man use simple materials to make some pretty awesome bubbles.  I could've stayed at watched for quite a while, but we continued one.

At this point we had two choices, run back up to the main road, or take the skybridge.  We decided the skybridge seemed like the more appealing idea, and we were on our way.

Through the main doors of the Sheraton.

Up the stairs (we were focusing on fitness, seemed like the best choice).  

Until we realized that the door was locked at the top.  So a few of us went back down the stairs and took the elevator back up.

To let everyone else through the locked door.

Then it was through the skybridge, down the stairs and back out to the main road.  It made for yet another interesting detour.

From there it was just a short run to where the car was parked.  Running along the bay is normally quite pleasant, but because of the large fish kill this year it was a little stinky.

In all we ran about 8 miles, and I was surprised that after my week of non-exercise I did as well as I did.  I will say that I would not have done as well if it weren't for the great company that helped keep me motivated.

As I got home, I will admit that soreness was beginning to set in.  Plus, the new shoes were showing me no love.

As I soaked in my tub, I recognized just how fortunate I am to have such wonderful people around me.  I want to thank all of them for the great time today, it helped to make a kind-of yucky week so much better!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pumped Up Kicks

After yesterday's awesome workout, I was a bit worried about how I would feel today.  True, I work out just about every day, but I definitely pushed myself a lot more working out with a group of people (definitely one of the perks!).  Waking up this morning, I was definitely sore.  My abs and booty especially.  It was a welcome sign that I worked hard, and one of those nice sore muscle mornings that help remind you that you are bettering yourself.

After using my foam roller a bit and taking an Aleve, I felt much better and decided to brave the gym.  Tim thought I should take a day off, but I don't do well with days off.  So I went, knowing I wasn't going to work out super hard, I just needed to get moving a bit.  Plus, I had a new pair of sneakers that I just HAD to try out!

Getting to the gym, I definitely could tell my body was tired. I got a good 20 minutes on the elliptical in and then decided 20 minutes of yoga was probably the best thing for me.  The yoga really helped to stretch out some of those sore muscles, and I felt pretty good after.

One of the best things about my workout were the new shoes.  With all the foot problems I've had, it was nice to finally find a shoe that worked out for me!  Hopefully it continues that way and I can start focusing on my workouts, not on my foot pain!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Adventure #4: A Simple Saturday Morning Bleacher Run

So far on this journey, I've had some pretty awesome adventures.  Starting with getting my gym membership (a huge accomplishment for me), and going into the Wine Run and the St. Patty's Day 5k, I've started to look forward to challenging myself in new and exciting ways.  So, when a friend of mine suggested that I try a workout with Team Adrenaline (a group she has been working with for a while that focuses on outdoor, organic fitness), I figured why not.  It was after my rough leg workout that I got worried.  After Wednesday's workout, I could barely walk let alone work out with a new group of people.   I tried to back out, she didn't buy it.  

So here I was this morning, 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday, crawling out of bed and putting on my workout clothes.  Now anyone who knows me knows that I greatly value my sleep.  It is one of my most favorite activities and I don't give it up for just any reason.  As I stared out the window at the sun coming up, I started to think I had gone crazy.

Reluctantly I rolled out of bed and got dressed, only to find I was out of Stevia, so I couldn't have my morning cup of chai.  Looking out the window, the frost on the ground was also not a welcome sight!  

Still, I climbed in the car and was on my way.  Along the way to the highschool a fox ran across the road in front of me.  I thought it odd, and so I looked it up later.  Apparently, a fox crossing your path is a sign of good luck, things were looking up!

Luckily, I got to the highschool at the same time as my friend; which is fortunate since I don't do well in new situations with new people.  Once I was introduced to everyone, I felt right at home.  These people were great!  Everyone was very welcoming.  I was told that the whole point of the workouts was to do what you can, not necessarily keep up and do what everyone else was doing.  I started to feel like this was going to be a good morning.  

After a quick warmup we got down to business.  The workout started with intervals of push ups and mountain climbers and then moved into some lower body work.  The workout's theme was "T&A" and it was definitely fitting the bill!  It was then that we moved up to the bleachers.  
Not my 'A'

Staring up at the bleachers, I will admit I was intimidated.  Good ol' jellylegs started creeping back.  Not because of overuse, but because I really didn't know if I could do it.  I will admit, it was tough.  There were several times running up and down those steps today I thought I couldn't keep going, but I did.  The atmosphere surrounding that workout was so positive, I had to keep going.  The sense of accomplishment at the end definitely was worth it!
After what seemed like 100 times up and down the bleachers (it wasn't that many but sure felt like it!)  there was just enough time for some triceps work and wall sits.  It was amazing to me how even though we were all tired and hurting, we were all smiling.

Needless to say, I'll definitely be going back to Team Adrenaline.  As part of Challenge Erie, it definitely makes me look forward to the summer!

Thanks to my friend for providing the documentation so that people can't say I made it up!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Joining the Challenge!

Since getting back from NC and getting back on track I've felt great!  I decided to take this positivity and start to channel it so that I can continue on the path that I've started for myself.  A friend of mine from work, the same one who organized the Wine Run sent me information on a program called Challenge Erie.  It's a 10 week program focused on all areas of wellness: fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being.  She was getting a team together and thought I might be interested. 

Challenge Erie
I will admit I was a little nervous about it at first, but after looking at all that is included, I am super pumped!

Things included in Challenge Erie:
-Two nervous system assessments
-Two wellness quotients (measures overall wellness)
-20 outdoor workouts
-Nutritional guides
-Leadership ropes course
-Grocery store and farm tours
-Search and Rescue activity
-Registration in a 5k
-Team beach challenge
-Trail running/hiking opportunities
-Beach yoga
-Cooking class at a local fresh grocer
-Wellness coaching session

Plus there are prizes for individuals and teams with the most progress.  It all starts in May and I can't wait to keep you updated on how it goes!  From what I've heard, "I'll be buff!"

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

North Carolina, burnt kale chips, and getting back at it.

It's been a while, but I'm back!  We had almost a week off so I took the oppotunity to drive down to North Carolina to visit my extremely (and overdue) pregnant sister and her husband.  I was hoping that I would be there for the arrival for my niece, however that was not the case.  As of today, my poor sister is now 4 days overdue.  Little girl is proving just to be as stubborn as her mama!

While we were there, to say I "splurged" a little in the food department would be a vast understatement.  My sister and her husband know all these great restaurants around town that they took us to.  Even though we only ate out a few times, I definitely took advantage of all the different food.  When we didn't eat out, we ate well at home with food on the grill and homemade pizza.  I slacked on the exercise as well, using their elliptical only once while I was there.  I did get a lot of walking in, as we took M to the museum and park.

Coming home, I was faced with Easter and a plethora of candy, wine, and other delectable goodies.  All in all, I gained about 4 pounds in the past week.  I vowed to get back on track starting Monday.

Yesterday started my food tracking and exercising again.  Running, I definitely could tell I had taken some time off, but should be able to regain that endurance rather quickly.  I also made a double batch of my favorite Peanut Butter Banana Protein Cookie.  Following the healthy food trend, I decided to try to make some kale chips.  My sister has talked about them in the past, and I've heard good things.  Looking at good ol' Pinterest, I got some ideas of how to do it. Unfortunately, I baked the chips a little too long and burnt the kale.  I can tell you now that burnt kale is absolutely awful!  I didn't use the whole bunch of kale that I had bought, so I'm going to try again later this week and hopefully get a better result.

I've also gotten back on the gym train and now have been back for two days in a row.  Yesterday was too crowded to do much of anything; I went earlier than usual and was reminded why I normally go later.  I got a quick run in and then focused on abs and arms.  Today I ran for a good 45 minutes and got over 4 miles in.  I had the gym to myself tonight, so I was able to finish the arm workout that I didn't get to finish yesterday.

So I'm desperately trying to get back on track, despite the ridiculous amount of candy in the house right now.  Hopefully I can regain my focus and keep trucking along!