Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Just What I Needed

“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”   Roald Dahl

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not typically a morning person.  I can sleep till noon with the best of them.  However I have noticed that with the recent heat and humidity of summer finally arriving, waiting until the afternoon to get my workout in only left me hot, tired, and drenched in sweat.  Because of this, I wasn't getting my entire workout in.  Instead, I would do what I could, and then retreat to the cooler recesses of my basement to recover.  So, when it was suggested we run in the morning, I was intrigued (although not quite excited).

I've spoken before of the amount of peer pressure that has played into my running and exercise habits.  Groups are frequently getting together to complete different runs or workouts.  Pictures and comments are always posted, and you don't want to be the person left out.  I will admit, this was part of my motivation for waking up this morning at 5:30 to go run.

Once I got up and enjoyed the sunrise, it really wasn't so bad.  I was tired, but I would live.  I had a good feeling about this run, and I was looking forward to some new scenery.  I decided to stay positive, even if I really wanted to climb back into bed.

For breakfast, I kept it light.  I had eaten a lot the night before and was still feeling the after effects of my new obsession with Salt & Pepper potato chips.  I grabbed a banana and decided to try out some coconut water before the run.  My hopes were that this combo would help curb the nausea I still tend to experience after longer runs.  I had never had coconut water before, I can't say that I will ever willingly have it again.  It just wasn't for me (although I didn't get sick after running!).  With that, I was off. 

I was meeting a group of people to run around Findley Lake.  To get in some mileage we would be running around the lake twice, for a total of just over 10 miles.  Being so early in the morning, it was still cool enough that I could enjoy the run and not focus all my attention on wiping sweat out of my eyes.

The run, for the most part, felt great.  I did, however, have some issues with my left ankle and knee that kept me from finishing as strong as I would have liked.  I'm hoping that it was just a combination of less training than normal and the terrain, although I'll be keeping an eye on how they feel tomorrow.
This one is for you Eloise!  Thanks for finding my "good side"!

As always, it was the wonderful group of people that helped to make this run what it was.  I can say that there are very few people who can get me out of bed, much less exercising, before noon.  With such a positive atmosphere, it's hard not to feel good about getting out and moving on an early Sunday morning.  I will say it is something I'd be willing to try again.  The mood was contagious and spread throughout my day.

So I just wanted to say thanks ladies (and CJ), let's do it again some time!

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