Saturday, July 6, 2013

Adventures in Life


"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein

It's been a while, (almost two months) but I am finally back.  The last two months have been quite busy, and also quite transformational.  During that time, I was unsure of whether I wanted to continue writing and I was unclear of the direction I wanted to go.  What originally started out as a journey towards health and fitness has instead transformed an entire being, me.  To recognize this awesome feat, I decided to change directions and focus.  Looking back, I was silly to limit myself so much in the beginning.  So now I'm starting new: new name, new look, new perspective. 

So where have I been?  What have I been up to?  I'm sure everyone is dying to know.  I haven't really gone anywhere, still in the same house on the same street.  Heck, the furthest I've driven in that period of time has been to the other side of town.  Still, in the words of Einstein, "I've been moving." 

My last post was fittingly the first day of Challenge Erie.  I can accredit this challenge for being the catalyst that started my movement.  There is far too much to go into detail but some of the highlights include:
  • Sugar Free -  As part of the challenge, I decided to eliminate processed and refined sugars from my diet.  Along with this, I also eliminated all dairy and caffeine.  Until just recently, I had also eliminated alcohol.  That's a whole lot of elimination!  Daunting at first, I now think it has been one of the best decisions I've made.  I feel great.  I'm thinking clearer.  I have more energy.  And as an added bonus, I'm down almost 20 pounds.  Expect to hear a lot of about this in future posts.
M loves taking pictures, especially of me.  I just happened to have a picture of me on the zoo carousel at the beginning of my journey and recently, I think I look a lot happier!
  • The runner in me - I've continued on with my running.  We had the big finale to the wine run series and have even moved on to running for ice cream.  To date, the furthest I've run is just under 13 miles, just shy of a half marathon. 

  • Focus on me - I've always been the type to put others before myself.  There were times I would tear myself up over a project or go way over the top to make sure others were comfortable.  That perspective has changed somewhat.  I still get satisfaction from helping others, but I've also learned about the importance of helping myself.  For the first time in a very long time I've been given the chance to focus on me.  I struggled with this at first.  I felt like the more things I did for me, the more I was taking away from my friends and family.  Then I was giving others an improved version of myself when I took some time for me.  I don't feel as burnt out all the time, and find myself enjoying more of the little things in life.  I'm happy, and I can say that with 100% assurance. 

  • Self-confidence - I've written about how I'm awkward and unsure.  I've never been completely confident in the decisions that I've made or things that I've done.  I constantly second guessed my worth.  Throughout this challenge that has changed.  I have done things I never imagined I could do and learned that I'm pretty awesome.  Just like everyone, I have things I can improve on.  But I've learned to celebrate the things I've done.  I'm comfortable with the fact that I am not as strong or fast as those around me.  I've come a long way, and I know that with continued effort I'll keep moving in the right direction.

So here is to a new start.  I'm excited to share this journey with you!

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