Wednesday, July 17, 2013


"Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict." - William Ellery Channing

I had that feeling in the pit of my stomach walking into the doctor's office.  That feeling of impending doom that something bad was about to happen.  The pain in my foot had gotten progressively in the last three weeks; so bad, that after a short 3 mile run Monday morning I could put no pressure on it at all.  I had known something was wrong, and I ignored the problem until I no longer could.

The X-rays confirmed what I was already sensing was wrong.  A stress fracture.
As relieved as I was to learn this was not all in my head, it was a huge blow.  Six to eight weeks in an air cast.  No running.  As the doctor sat and explained everything to me I went numb.  Thank goodness he gave me a packet with all the information, because I honestly heard nothing for the last portion of my appointment.

I held it together in the office, just shook my head and promised to come back for a follow up in three weeks.  Then, with my brand new fashionable footwear, I hobbled out the door.

It wasn't until I got home that I fell apart.  Thank goodness for Tim.  He kept calm and reassured me I was going to be fine.  Still, all I could think was that all my hard work of the past several months was about to be reversed. 

The first place I wanted to go was the TA workout I would be missing.  I felt the need to tell them in person.  Then it was on to my parents (they had air conditioning and this stupid boot is hot!).

As a couple hours went by I calmed down.  This isn't as bad as it could be, and I'm not down for the count.  I'm just going to have to change what I'm doing.  I was really bummed that I won't be able to run in the 5k while on vacation next week (love running in new places) or the Half Marathon in August (what I've been training for).  Still, if all goes well I should be able to get back to training before the Beast on the Bay, and although I won't be at my best, I can still participate.  After going through two months of change for Challenge Erie I should be a pro by now, but the thought is scary. 

So now it's time to change things up a bit.  Instead of running, I'm going to try some other forms of exercise.  I found a great deep-water running plan written for runners with injuries.  Plus, I've been saying I want to get back into swimming.  I can still bike and a friend even suggested trying rowing.  I can still work on my abs and arms.  Luckily I have some amazing support through my friends.

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