Sunday, October 26, 2014

Guess Who's Back!?

So the last time I was on here was February.  In the 9 months since I've been on here a lot could have happened:

  • I could've gotten pregnant and had a baby.

  • The average person could have grown about 4.5 inches of hair.

  • I could've trained for and ran a marathon.

Only one of those things really happened, and no, I do not have two kids now.

Regardless of what could have happened in 9 months, the important thing is that now, I'm back! (cue Eminem)

I'm running low and sleep and laptop battery, but I can at least give you a brief run down of what I've been up to:

  • Supervisor of Special Education Certificate - Finished!

  • Tough Mudder Ohio - cold, wet, misery

  • Vacay 2014 - Salvo, NC

  • 40 Before 40 List - I actually crossed a few things off!

  • Beast on the Bay - talk about improvement!

  • M - 5 going on 15

  • Marathon - I ran a marathon, that's right, 26.2 miles!

I'll get into more detail later, but wanted to announce my triumphant return to blogging (before something else caught my attention again).  Expect to hear more from me soon!

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