Sunday, February 16, 2014

In sickness, and more sickness

We've lucked out for the most part this year.  Other than a brief bout with walking pneumonia, our household has been pretty healthy this winter. That was, up until this week.

Normally we get the sniffles around the end of November, and they stay until the beginning of May.  As happy as I have been to not have the constant sniffles, this week has made up for it and then some!

Sunday evening M started to get the dreaded sniffles.  I ran out to the grocery store, got some oranges and Kleenex, and hoped for the best.  Tim was off work Monday, so I gave him instructions to take it easy and went off to school.  By the time I got home, sniffles had turned into full out snot grenades and soon my vibrant, full of energy daughter was struggling just to get off the couch.  Add to that Tim was now reporting his stomach just didn't feel right.  Oh, yeah, and he had been called back to work; luckily, he wasn't going back until Wednesday.

Tuesday morning things didn't look any better.  M was up half the night coughing and blowing her nose and Tim's stomach was still "not right."  I came home Tuesday afternoon and both were on the couch.  M had a fever, and was beginning to get the Bob Costas red-eye effect.  I was feeling quite achy myself and decided Wednesday needed to be a day to rest and took the day off.

Wednesday night was miserable.  Tim up with stomach troubles, M was up coughing, blowing her nose, or complaining her eyes hurt.  I got maybe 3 hours at best, so much for rest.  Tim headed off to work Wednesday morning, I called the doctor.  M woke up with her eyes crusted shut, a fever, and a cough that could pass as the world's best seal impression.  Luckily they could fit her in.  As time passed, my house was slowly being taken over by used tissues and glasses of OJ.

Even this sick, she still wanted her picture taken.
It took the doctor 30 seconds to recognize there was a lot going on.  Five minutes later, we were told that M had a dreadful combination of a double ear infection. strep throat, and pink eye in both eyes, yikes!  We made the trek up to Wegman's to pick up her prescription.  The poor girl could barely keep her eyes open as we picked up a few essentials while waiting for them to fill the prescription and flavor it (bubble gum!).  Meanwhile, mommy was still achy and feeling less than stellar.  We got home, plopped onto the couch, put on Netflix and in 5 minutes we were both asleep. 

When daddy got home, he reported stomach issues all day, and joined us.  

Luckily, Thursday and Friday offered some much needed R&R time for M.  I headed back to work, but kept the exercising and extracurriculars to a minimum.  Now it is the weekend and although we aren't 100%, we are getting there (I'd say we are about 85% right now). 

If anything, this week has taught me that life sometimes throws some curve balls.  Just because we were sick didn't mean that dishes didn't need cleaned or work didn't need done.  Still, I will say that I almost enjoyed the way it made us all slow down.  We got to focus on each other, and for a brief moment many of our usual distractors were gone.  It helped us refocus on those things that were most important: health, wellness, and family.  

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