Sunday, May 5, 2013

Adventure #7: Finishing the sign

Bob Dylan once said "Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain."  This weekend's adventure really helped to show me how true that really was.

This weekend's run was the last run in the series of wine runs organized by a friend of mine.  I missed the first two, but have been on the last few, and plan on completing the two missed runs within the next few weeks.  This week's run, the longest of all, was daunting.  According to the sign, it was to be 10.8 miles, we had already learned that sign had a tendency to be a bit off, so I knew it would be over 11.  Up until this point, my longest run was last week at about 10.3 miles.

We couldn't have asked for better weather.  It was gorgeous!  Sunny, a slight wind (which felt like 30 mph gusts by the end), and warm enough that people were comfortable in tank tops, but not sweltering.  I was also pretty excited because the more I have gotten to know the people that I was running with, the more I liked them.  All signs were pointing to a great run.

As we got started, I was surprised at how good I felt.  Knowing it was going to be a long one, I decided to stay back from the leaders, and keep a slower but steady pace.  Reaching the first water stop, I was surprised at how good I was feeling!

Between the two water stops, there were about 5 or 6 miles.  It seemed like 100!  It was just one long, straight road, but luckily the girls around me kept up some great conversation.  By the time we hit the second water stop, I could feel my legs tightening up quite a bit and my feet were starting to get sore.

Stopping for water a second time was probably a mistake.  Once I stopped, I started to feel how sore I really was.  I'll definitely remember this for next time!  Once we left the second water stop is where things got tough for me.  I was heading into the unknown territory of 10+ miles, and my body was screaming at me, "What the heck are you doing!" 

Through all the discomfort and pain, the one thing that kept me going were the two wonderful ladies who stuck with me.  They were beyond fantastic, reminding me to breathe, providing positive words, and helping me to make it through the last push.  In fact, by the final 50 yards, I was sprinting as hard as I could!  The feeling of reaching that parking lot was unlike any that I had during the past wine runs.  I had just done something that I never imagined I could do.  I was tired, and quite sore, but also flooded with a feeling of accomplishment.

As we headed into the winery to taste, you could tell I wasn't the only one feeling a little discomfort.  As soon as you entered the winery, you went down a flight of stairs, which we all took very slowly and strategically.  The winery itself was gorgeous, making the run even more worth it!

In all, we ended up running 11.7 miles.  It was tough, but proved to me that the half marathon I signed up for in August is not far out of reach.  Along with an incredible sense of accomplishment, I also walked away with two bottles of wine and one of the coolest tan lines ever!  In the end, it was worth the bit of pain that came along with it.

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