Monday, January 13, 2014

Tea and Detox

After last week's fun and festivities, this week has been a little rougher on me.  

School has been tough, several new kids and lots of paperwork to finish.  Add in one snow day and one two hour delay due to the Polar Vortex and that's even more of a downer.  My desk looks like a tornado came through, with piles upon piles of things that need finished.  If the desk fairy came through my room, I think she'd be quite disappointed in me.

I'm sure I'll catch up and everything will be fine, however stress and me never really get along.  
My normal go-to is a nice glass of wine, or three or four.  Seeing as I have quite the assortment (especially after my birthday) this would seem like a good idea.  

However,  I have embarked on another journey to help me "detox" from the holidays.  Doc (our fearless leader of Team Adrenaline) decided that a detox to start the new year would be a great thing.  In short, the detox consists of avoiding processed and artificial sugars, caffeine, and alcohol for six weeks. Here's his version for anyone that is interested.

The detox is very similar to what I did in the spring with Challenge Erie.  I had more or less stuck to the no sugar rule since then, with exceptions from time to time (and very frequently over Christmas).  

Always a glutton for punishment, I decided to also eliminate dairy and gluten.  I had toyed around with eliminating both for a while and discovered I felt a lot better without them.  But still, it makes for some difficult eating.

Instead of starting January 1 with all the other detoxers, I decided to wait until after my birthday.  After all the hoopla I had put around turning 30, the last thing I wanted to do was worry about what the labels said on everything I ate or drank that day.  

Since starting the detox, I feel a lot better.  My energy is back and I'm not feeling as "bloaty."  I've gotten past the first week of feeling crappy and cranky, which I'm sure Tim and M really appreciate!

When the detox was first starting, one of the more discussed topics was that of tea.  Because we are detoxing from caffeine, coffee is a no-no.  Decaf is ok, but unless you drink it black there really isn't much you can add to it (no sugar means no lactose means no milk).  I've never been big on coffee but I've always liked tea; so, I was excited about the green light to try so new types of tea.  It was through this discussion (and an impromptu Team Adrenaline trip to Wegman's) that I was introduced to the world of loose leaf tea.

Always some type of shenanigans when TA is involved.

I was excited to say the least.  In fact, I was so excited I immediately purchased my very first tea infuser, the Tea Rex!

I admit, I bought it more because he was cute than anything.  I learned very quickly, Tea Rex is only good for big, chunky teas.  The tea I was using ended up making its way through the holes and soon I was drinking chunky tea.  To add insult to injury, the thing was a pain in the ass to clean!

After sharing my Tea Rex saga with my TA friends, I received this adorable guy from Leslie.  She had seen him at the Co-Op and couldn't resist.

RoboTea (as I lovingly named him) did much better than Mr. Rex, although still  had some flaws.  My tea didn't end up near as chunky, although there still were bits of tea floating around.  And I quickly learned the importance of securely closing him, as the first time I tried he popped open spilling his contents all over my kitchen floor.

Finally ended up with a new tea infuser that has done the job.  This one, made by Teavana, not only came with a sample of tea (which I can't drink until after the detox because it has added sugar), but also has done a great job of allowing me to enjoy my new Green Tea with Blueberry obsession.

The way this detox is going so far, I have a feeling it is only going to get more and more interesting, but more on that later!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Another year older...

So it is official.  I have turned 30.  This weekend ushered in a new era of me.  It was filled with some of the best friends I could ask for, supportive family, and the realization that turning 30 meant nothing other than another year of experiences to learn from.

My weekend started out with my paraprofessional, Pam surprising me on Friday.  When I came into work (after a much appreciated 2 hour delay), she had my classroom decorated in balloons an this was hanging outside my door.

She had secretly gotten my mom to give her pictures of me growing up and made a beautiful 30-shaped collage.  It was pretty awesome seeing how far I've come.  

Saturday night some of my friends came by to celebrate.  That celebration eventually ended in a game of darts around 2:30am that included Tim and I going against my brother and mom.  Good stuff.  

Sunday was my actual birthday, and actually ended up being the most low key.  Most of the day was spent lounging around, which was briefly interrupted by my involvement in a pretty epic picture for Tough Mudder (more on that a different time).  Finally my mom made my favorite meal and I finished out the day with my family.  

I found it pretty awesome that on my special day, this was in our newspaper.

Yep, that's me and some of the ladies of Team Adrenaline gracing the cover of this month's Her Times (part of our local newspaper).  They had put a call out for local ladies to share how they get fit and fellow TA member, Jen Kelly, wrote a beautiful response recognizing the importance of camraderie.  Read hers, and the other responses here.

As I turned the page into the next chapter of my life, I recognized how much my goals have changed.  Since the last list was so much fun, I decided to come up with another list of things I want to accomplish.  This time, I'm giving myself 10 years.  I figured coming up with 40 things I want to do before I turn 40 wouldn't be too difficult.  Still, I found myself short.  I have already accomplished so much, and I'm still figuring out where I want to go from here.  So, I took the items from my 30 before 30 life that I still wanted and went from there.  Recognizing how much change can occur, I also left a few spots at the end so that I can ambitions as they come up. 

Bri's 40 Before 40 List

1. Run a marathon - Already registered!  Wineglass Marathon - October 2014.
2. Visit Ireland
3. Get a tattoo
4. Ride on a motorcycle
5. Travel further west than Toledo
6. Attend an NFL football game, preferably Steelers
7. Completely refinish one room of the house
8. Have the equivalent of one month's salary in savings
9. Golf a full 18 holes, and keep score
10. Pay off all my credit card debt
11. Take M to Disney
12. Swim with dolphins
13. Complete a triathlon
14. Earn my Ed.D in Special Education or at least start on my coursework
15. Become a Health Coach
16. Go ziplining
17. Ride a horse
18. Hug a koala bear
19. Take pictures of my feet in the ocean on both the Atlantic and Pacific coast
20. Host a holiday meal
21. Learn to drive a stick shift
22. Have a conversation in Spanish
23. Be able to complete a pull up
24. Volunteer
25. Attend an even that requires formal attire
26. Write letters to the five people who have most impacted my life
27. Ride in a helicopter
28. Run in the Disney Princess Half Marathon
29. Go on a cruise
30. Donate my hair (again)
31. Go wine tasting in a limo or party bus
32. Completely unplug for a week, write about the experience
33. Make something and sell it
34. Repeat our honeymoon, only this time bigger and better
35. Go for a day sail on the Niagara
36. To be added when I'm 32
37. To be added when I'm 34
38. To be added when I'm 36
39. To be added when I'm 38

40. To be added when I'm 39

Looks like I have some work to do, but I'm excited to get started.  Getting to 30 has been quite the journey, and I can't wait to see what is coming up next!