Sunday, December 29, 2013

Year in Review

It's almost been a year since I started this journey.  A journey that started with me flipping out about my age, and feeling as if I was missing out.  It's hard to think that in a week, that "end point" that I had in my mind will be here.  I will be 30.  As much as it bothered me, there was nothing I could do about it.  

I started this year with a list of 30 things I felt I needed to accomplish before I hit the big 3-0.  Thirty things I wrote down to "prove to myself" something.  What that something was, I'm not so sure about now, but I was definitely out to prove something.  

Regardless of what I was out to prove, I started this year vowing that I was going to stop sitting back and start doing something.  That vow became the catalyst to a life-changing year.  So to commemorate an awesome year, recognize the end of my 20s, and to satisfy those who were wondering, I figured I would go through my list one more time.

30 Things to Do Before I'm 30
1.    Run a 10k Funny how this was actually my second running accomplishment of the year.  I finished a very slippery, cold and snowy Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.  My time was far from ideal, but I did convince the hubs to break out an early Christmas present! We also coordinated and ran a Christmas Story 10k to raise money for a local charity.  I will say, there is nothing quite as fun as running through the city in an elf costume!

2.    Finish a half marathon - At one point mid summer, I didn't think this was going to happen.  After the whole shenanigans with my broken foot, I had my doubts.  Still, I finished, which was my goal to begin with.  It wasn't the best time, but it was my time, and that was all that mattered.

3.    Travel further west than Toledo - I came close, but actually did not make it much further West that the "Toledo line."  Still, our trip to Asheville, NC got us kinda close and I still got the chance to visit an awesome city!

4.    Shoot a gun - I can thank the hubs for this one.  He got into sporting clays about a year or so ago.  Ever since he has been joking about me going with him.  Finally, I agreed and he took me out.  One hundred targets later and I was at least holding the gun right!  

5.    Visit New York City - Although discussed several times, this was something that did not happen.  Yet, looking back at my year, I don't feel as if I missed out on everything.  I will say that there is a trip to New York (state) in my near future....but more on that another time.

6.    Start a blog/journal - Done!  It's been hit and miss.  Sometimes I get really into posting, and other times I feel as if I'm just writing for me.  Still, I put myself out there and that is a HUGE step for someone like me.

7.    Go to an NFL football game - Maybe next year!

8.    Read at least 10 books off of Time’s Top 100 Books of All Time list - I got started on a few, but couldn't find any that could keep my attention (and that I could understand!).

9.    Take a class unrelated to teaching - I did participate in a few different cooking classes throughout the year.  The funny thing is, once I started on my new journey of wellness, I sort of made my own class.  I started learning about things for me, and actually put down my sappy love stories and started reading books related to health and wellness.  I'm considering this one accomplished!

10. Finish re-painting the house (Master Bedroom, Guest Bedroom, Downstairs Living Room, Basement Bath) - We repainted the downstairs living room and bought the paint for our room.  That's about as far as that one got.  

11. Have the equivalent of one month’s salary in savings. - At one point this year, I could have checked this one off.  Then things happened and slowly that stash got depleted.  Still, I'm better off than where I started.  

12. Host/Cook a holiday meal for the family. - I tried on this one,  but my mom's love of all things "get together" got in the way.  Until she is willing to give up the reins for a holiday, it looks like I'm going to have to take a back seat.

13. Take a weekend trip focused on M. - Because of schedules and money, we weren't able to travel anywhere.  But we definitely did way more than we ever have before.  Children's museums, the beach, every park imaginable....we made sure to carve out time each week for our girl.  For that reason, I'm considering this one edited, but accomplished.

Loving the Kidzu Children's Museum in Chapel Hill, NC!

14. Go to a concert. - Talk about a great night!  Not only does the Zac Brown Band put on a heck of a show, I was there with some of the most awesome people I know!
Zac Brown awesomeness!

15. Have a girl’s weekend somewhere other than Erie. - Running the Color Run in Cleveland provided an impromptu weekend with the girls.  I originally planned on going with a different friend and leaving the morning of the race.  But, plans changed and soon some friends of mine from high school were inviting me to not only ride with them, but share a room overnight and have a great time.  

16. Golf a full 18 holes, and keep score - Nope, and I'm blaming this one on Tim.  I asked, several times, for him to take me out.  It just never happened.  At least my pretty golf shoes are still clean!

17. Pay off at least 2 of my 3 credit cards. (and keep them that way!!) - Another nope, and this one is a bit of a touchy subject with me.  But I'm getting there.

18. Get another tattoo - On hold for now until some issues with the dermatologist get sorted out.  

19. Organize all my pictures and back them up.  Maybe even get some printed out. - I love that this was on here, because it was exactly the opposite of what happened.  Instead, over the summer our old desktop went kaput and I thought we lost ever picture of M we had ever taken.  Luckily, my computer genius brother-in-law was able to recover them for us!  I assure you that since then, I have made sure to back EVERYTHING up!

20. Try at least 3 new foods (or re-try foods I haven’t tried in a while) - I lost count on this one.  Sushi, rye bread, and BBQ chips were a few of the starters and it has continued from there.  I now try to taste at least one bite of something new if it is presented to me.

Who would have ever thought spaghetti squash would be come a regular meal in our house?

21. Ride on a motorcycle - Tim sold it before this happened...but I did get some nice basement furniture out of the deal!

22. Change my hairstyle/hair color - Several times!  Ombre, highlights, ombre & highlights, and it's looking like next time it may be an all over color.  My stylist and I have seen more of each other in 6 months, than in the past 6 years!

23. Complete at least one random act of kindness/pay it forward type action - This was another ironic item on my list, as this year I was at the center of the pay it forward movement sparked by #ajo.  Not only did I pay if forward several times, I also was on the receiving end several times.  It was little things like someone paying for my child's Happy Meal that helped to restore some of my faith in humanity.

24. Make/build something - Spurred by my every growing Pinterest boards, this year I vowed to check some of the projects off my list.  I can confidently say that I started several projects.  However, I did find that finishing them became my problem.  Instead, I often decided I either didn't need it or it wasn't good enough and would through things away.  Now that I have a better idea of where I want to go with my house decorating I think that maybe I can actually finish, and use, a project....maybe.

25. Surprise someone - Thanks to my new found friends, I've happily been part of many surprises this year.  Talk about a great feeling, doing something unexpected for someone who truly deserves it!

Love these people!

26. Learn to play the guitar (at least some of the basics) - At one point I think I changed this to playing the piano more, and then changed it back.  Needless to say, with all my other activities going on this year, this item fell by the wayside.  

27. Improve my Spanish - Thanks to Duolingo I not only brushed up on my Spanish, but also learned a little Portugese and French.  Can I hold a conversation?  No.  But I can name a few items!

28. Learn to drive a stick shift - Nope, didn't happen.  It would probably help if I knew someone who drove a manual vehical...maybe before I'm 40.

29. Have a spa day – Surprisingly, this is the one I felt the most guilty about.  I treated myself to a shellac mani and getting my makeup done on a day off.  After I was done, I looked nice (and fell in love with shellac manis) but could think of a million better ways to pamper myself.  Oh well, live and learn.

30. Celebrate my 30th in style! (think Limo, sequins, bubbly!) - Since I'm not 30 yet, this one obviously isn't completed.  Ironically enough, through this year of change, so has my perception of the perfect way to turn 30.  Now, instead of a huge production, I'd much rather a night with my friends.  Comfortable and informal, as long as I'm surrounded by those I love I couldn't ask for much more.

So I "failed" on about a third of my items, yet I would call this year anything but a failure.  This year was pivotal in helping me discover myself.  I'm happier, healthier and more fulfilled than I ever have been.  I'm looking forward to my 30s and what is to come.  Stay tuned!
